Thursday, February 19, 2009

To the Bluff

To the Bluff

In the spring, there is more shade
to drop your head into, to linger and wait.
We praised the sun, rising out of winter
like the birth of a child.

Expanding like muscle, trees lull stems into widening
and the darkness beneath thickens.
The fragrance of a meadow makes your eyes clean
in the shade, turning by the wind.

To the bluff of drop and above,
the waves creasing over its finality,
almost reaching, almost reaching.

1 comment:

JS said...

I love it! I really enjoyed the lines:

"expanding like muscle, trees lull stems into widening and the darkness beneath thickens."

That is beautiful. I also enjoyed the overall sound of this poem.

Your poetry just continues to be freagin awesome. Keep writing my brother!

peace, much Love