Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Serpents of Gold

The Serpents of Gold


Crown that fits neither king, page
or renouncer - the gentle
brilliance concealing pure.

The threads of propitious shine
weave together the grand ease
of the head, universe haze

in the emptiness of shore,
where both banks unfurl lupine,
whose dew cures reminisce.


The serpents of gold press, chaste
eyes, with no speech in distance,
through the narrow, pale membrane.

Mouths stretch into foliage;
the scales plummet in a gorge
while leaves flourish from collapse.

This is where I want to be,
the fragrance of an entrance
of an invisible smile.

Above my head, the pasture
places its soil, chickadee
notes on the wind, disintegrate

into rain of a square stone
where spring the thousands of vine
and the fruit and fragrance.

1 comment:

JS said...

A well written poem! I enjoy the Prologue very much & it provides a good transition into the Movement part.

"Above my head, the pasture
places its soil, chickadee
notes on the wind, disintegrate

into rain of a square stone
where spring the thousands of vine
and the fruit and fragrance."

Really well written.
I enjoy the entire flow of this poem and especially enjoyed these last two stanza's. You balance the use of imagery and the use of sound: I feel that one doesn't dominate the other. This balance is something I strive to write in poetry & in music. I take two extremes or opposites & find subtle ways to unite & equally balance them. Although I find this is often a struggle, the final resolution brings a real feeling of unity & Peace.

I hope you're doin well man.
I'm excited for you being a writing teacher!

much Love
your brother